Daily life

Daily life

Beginning of the End – Let’s have a fun 終わりの始まり – もっと遊ぼう

I hope to enjoy the rest of my life. The life of elders are happier than 30 years ago. 残りの人生を楽しみたい。高齢者の生活は30年前に比べ幸福になっている。
Daily life

A Good Coffee 美味しいコーヒーについて

Coffee depends on the freshness after roasted. I am a freak of coffee and found special for myself
Books / Articles

CORNA Vaccine in African Countries アフリカにおけるコロナワクチン

Vaccination rate is less than 10%, but 1,400 shots will be disposed because of vulnerable infrastructure. Support for African peoples is not simple
Music / Art


It may be a little difficult question, for even a professional tour guide for foreigner, that where will you recommend t...
Daily life

Hello World! Introduction 前口上

Welcome to An Oldman and his Japanese Something ! 老人と日本的なナニカ へようこそ! The writer of this blog (It's me) is a Japanese male...