Japanese Horse Racing The Ancient Continent and an Unique Racehorse 古代大陸とユニークな競走馬 Panthalassa is name of ocean of 250Ma, now a unique race horse "Panthalassa" won the international race in Dubai. 2022.03.29 Japanese Horse RacingScience / Technology
Science / Technology Hitachi, The Oldest Strata in Japan, there 日本最古の地層のある日立 I visited Kamine park in Hitatchi, Ibaragi and saw the oldest strata in Japan. 茨城県日立市のかみね公園へ行って、日本最古の地層を見てきました。 2022.03.21 Science / TechnologyTravel / Field Trip
Books / Articles Sustainable Woman’ Challenge あるサステナブルな女性の挑戦 A lady name Ms. Emiko Inagaki is a writer of books and articles. She is HITOMAWARI (Note 1) younger than me, so she is e... 2022.03.13 Books / Articles
Daily life Cruel Bird War 鳥たちの戦い There is a dictator Bulbul among the wild birds. We named this ugly "Putin" 2022.03.05 Daily lifeMy wife's favorite
Food / Cooking / Wine About Beijing 2022 北京冬季オリンピック雑感 The extremely well trained volunteers. About Dining. Ms Nao Kodaira forever. 2022.02.24 Food / Cooking / WineSportsVolunteer
Movie / TV / Picture / Manga Umezu is Alive and Well 楳図は健在なり The new masterpiece of Umezu is exhibited in Tokyo and so wonderful. 楳図の新しい作品が東京で公開されている。素晴らしい。 2022.02.06 Movie / TV / Picture / Manga
Volunteer Tour Guide Shall Never Be Dismissed 通訳ガイドは無くなってはいけない An opposite mind to the last blog. 前回ブログと正反対の意見 2022.01.28 Volunteer
Volunteer Tour guide no need? 通訳観光ガイドは要らない? The DX can substitute the guide explanation. But specialist will be hired. DXでガイドの説明は置き換わる。しかし専門家は生き残る。 2022.01.24 Volunteer
Daily life Ocha and Chai お茶とチャイ My routine works in the early morning 私の起床後のルーティン 2022.01.19 Daily lifeFood / Cooking / Wine