This blog start with portrait of two persons
Nobody doesn’t know the picture of right side. I read from some book that it is the most famous portrait in the world. Well, it is Ms Audrey Hepburn acting the heroine Holy Golightly in the film “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”, wearing the evening dress designed by Givenchy.
右の写真は誰でも知っているはずです。世界で一番有名なポートレートと言われているらしいです。Audrey Hepburnオードリー・ヘプバーンが映画「ティファニーで朝食を」でヒロインのホリー・ゴライトリーを演じていますが、その中でジバンシーの黒のイブニングを身につけたものです。
What about the old gentleman on left side? He is “Hebon” (as we pronounce his name) who came to Japan as missionary and medical doctor before Meiji Restoration. He studied so hard the Japanese language and made a Japanese- English dictionary. He established how to pronounce the Japanese using alphabet, so thanks to him, we Japanese every body knows “Hebon style” how to write the Japanese words using alphabet. His Name in English is James Curtis Hepburn. So same to Ms Hepburn. When Japanese try to write their name in KATAKANA, completely different pronunciation are given.
では、左の写真のご老人は?明治維新前に来日した宣教師、医者のヘボン氏です。彼は日本語を懸命に勉強し、辞書を作りました。その日本語をローマ字で表すのを確立し、我々日本人にとって誰も聞いたことのある。ヘボン式ローマ字の考案者です。彼の名前を英語にするとMr. James Curtis Hepburn で Ms Hepburnと全く同じです。カタカナで表記したら、全く違う発音になってしまったのです。
There is another different pronunciation when using KATAKANA like name of Ludwig van Beethoven (sorry it’s nonsense to explain it in English)
The Energy is pronounced e-ne-ru-gii- when Japanese tell you, this is another funny KATAKANA.
So dear Foreigners, please don’t be so surprised when the Japanese tell you a word which is originally English but cannot understand. It’s KATAKANA.
Funny KATAKANA (These will be updated)
コーヒー (coffee) バター (butter) ミルク (milk) ケーキ (cake) タクシー (taxi) バス (bus) アパート (apartment) デパート (department store) スーパー (supermarket) コンビニ(convenience store) テレビ(TV) スタンド(gas station) マヨネーズ (mayonnaise) ラジオ (radio) エネルギッシュ (energetic) リンス(conditioner) アテンドする(assist, accompany) ティッシュ(tissue paper)
I was waiting and waiting for this story. I’m totally ok with your opinion.
The examinees need to pay a lot of attention to those JAPANIZED English. The differences between JAPANIZED one and English are asked many times. That’s why.
Thank you for your comment. I see why you are interested with this story.