The total Japanese cases of Corona is 22,045 at January 14th, 2022. Severe symptoms is 221. The Japanese are in great fear of spreading speed, while the 3rd vaccine are begun. What about in overseas? In USA total exceeded 1 million cases getting smaller now, In UK, France, Italy more than 200 thousands cases are reported. Well there is a report about African countries, which I am on my mind. I will extract the report of NIKKEI dated Jan.13th.
The dispose of Corona vaccine is increasing at African countries.The supply shortage and low vaccination are the problems at Africa, however the disposed vaccine will reach total 1,400 thousands shots in February. The reason is the vulnerable infrastructure of storage and transportation and persistent dislike of vaccination.
The rate of completion of vaccination in Nigeria is 2% and in whole African countries is less than 10%. The biggest reason of wasted vaccine is vulnerable transportation infrastructure, even the vaccination rate is remained in low.
For example AstraZeneca’s vaccine, it is necessary keep it in cold storage between 2 and 8 degree Celsius, so vaccine center can be established at the place has convenient transportation and good electric supply only, where the country has only vulnerable cold chain.
The director of Africa CDC, Dr. Nkengasong appeals his concern that The Corona virus will be endemic disease in Africa, if the vaccination rate doesn’t reach to 70 to 80% before the end of year 2022.
When the vaccination rate remains in low, a new variant of Corona virus will outbreak in Africa and disperse to the whole world. And consequently, the world wide convergence of disease will be delayed for long time. <Unquote>
How many peoples know about this actual situation. A large vaccination center is limited in the large city on Africa. The Vaccination is slow while cases are increasing steep, it counts 3 million per week now. It’s so fast than ever. But we can know a big problem is exsisting as the extracted article.
What shall we do? I suppose that, it is necessary to establish back-up power supply when the blackout is occurred, establish transportation system (like bus) of peoples from their home to center (it will make another problem of density of people and increase the cases). For the discussion from the beginning, I suppose that the developed countries should extend the support for financial investment for the infrastructure (power station, power grids, paved road) rather than vaccine itself. If the support is poor, the problem of Africa stands for long time and people remains in the darkness. It is quite difficult problem, but I wish the world move to support what African people are not disappointed. I won’t be a person only worry about Japan, at least.
どうすれば良いのでしょうか。私の考えですが、停電が起きてもバックアップの発電できるようにすること、準備の整った接種会場へ国民を移動させる(例えばバスを運行させるなど)支援がまず必要なのではないでしょうか。(そうすればまた人の密集で感染者が増える可能性もありそうです。) そもそも論をするならば、ワクチンの供与をすることよりも、インフラ(発電所、送電網、舗装道路)への投資を先進国が負担しなければ、アフリカの人々は長期に渡りこの闇に閉ざされ残るかもしれません。難しい問題ですが、アフリカの人々が絶望しないような支援を送りたいものです。少なくとも日本のことだけしか考えないような人間になりたくありません。
I will post and share you about the poverty of energy in Africa at the next chance.