Food / Cooking / Wine Here the “Shohei Rahmen” is 『ショウヘイラーメン』 あります I'd like to post about dining, restaurant and cafe which I visited accidentally. このブログでは私が偶然見つけた食堂、レストラン、カフェなども紹介してゆきます。... 2023.04.23 Food / Cooking / WineSports
Food / Cooking / Wine How to make a good bacon 美味しいベーコンの作り方 Introducing the recipe and goods of home made bacon which has been continued for 30 years. 30年間繰り返し作られてきた自家製ベーコンのレシピ、道具を紹介します。 2023.04.15 Food / Cooking / Wine
Food / Cooking / Wine About Beijing 2022 北京冬季オリンピック雑感 The extremely well trained volunteers. About Dining. Ms Nao Kodaira forever. 2022.02.24 Food / Cooking / WineSportsVolunteer
Daily life Ocha and Chai お茶とチャイ My routine works in the early morning 私の起床後のルーティン 2022.01.19 Daily lifeFood / Cooking / Wine