About Beijing 2022 北京冬季オリンピック雑感

Food / Cooking / Wine

The winter Olympic Game in Beijing has finished. For the Japanese players, woman’s curling, which I watched the finale on live with a little alcohol, Jump, Woman’s speed skating. etc., did their work very well and should be memorized. Today I will introduced few topics from the news reported and add my comments.


The Extremely Well Trained Volunteers  超エリートのボランティアスタッフ

Since I was a volunteer staff member of Tokyo Olympic, I had an interest about the Chinese volunteers. But I could’t see the activities of the Chinese volunteers on TV. It maybe difficult to interview the volunteer staff by foreign TV. The next paragraph is an article from NIKKEI February 16th, 2022,

私自身が東京大会でCity Castというボランティアだったので、中国の大会ではどうか興味を持っていました。テレビではボランティアたちの姿は全く取り上げられなかったようです。報道陣との接触も限られていたのかもしれません。以下は日経の記事(2022年2月16日朝刊)からの引用です。

According to the board of organization, Beijing 2022, more than 1 million applicants came against to the total employed 19 thousands volunteers. It was severe competition about 50 times, besides 2.5 times for Tokyo. The ages less than 39 years old of Tokyo volunteers was 39%, but the age less than 35 years old for Beijing volunteers are 94%. The “Bubble” should be strictly kept that means the persons concerned cannot go outside of the boundary of the Places or Transportations and the rule is same for the volunteer staffs. They have to stay in the regulated dormitory and their meals are BENTO in most cases.


Even such a hard conditions are there but so many applicants rushed. Why? One of the reason behind the scene will be they want to appeal the experience of volunteer on their job hunting. It is difficult to be students to foreign countries under this Corona flue, the overseas experience changed to the Olympic. A male student (23 years old) who worked for interpreter told “If Corona is not flue, I wish to go Europe or America as student, then find a job with the experience” A girl student (21 years old) who worked as guide of ski yard told “I studied very hard the English to pass the examination.”


How about their holidays and rest time, most of them said “I Cheer. It’s very important job to make exciting games.”


When I read the article, I couldn’t clearly understand the young excellent Chinese is “Volunteer” or “on Military activities”. It may be the selected young volunteer staffs’ desired environment, but it makes me something suffocating, because there is no way of mistaken or forced to be uniform no curiousity. Is it the same image of Chinese modern society or Zero Corona society?


Chinese volunteers photo from NIKKEI article

About the Dining 食について

I saw the restaurant on TV before the Olympic open, that persons order meal by electronic means, the robot cooks and food is moved to the table from the ceiling without any personals touch. But there is no other news. Only I read that the Korean person said the food is bad, then he was disliked by many Chinese SNS. That’s all. It may be the real face of perfect bubble or control of publications. I remember that dining at the Olympic villages of Tokyo Olympic had good reputations, especially the taste of frozen Gyoza of Ajinomoto be loved by many peoples.


Photo from internet

Further memories of Tokyo Summer Olympic, I have a memo of the news spread on SNS about reporters visited the convenience stores.


The foreign reporters finished their work are enjoying the life depending on the convenience store, probably because the restaurant of their hotels are already closed or foods are too expensive. For example, KARA-AGE is so delicious and no need restaurant meal, BENTOs are very good taste balanced with various foods and less expensive, the coffee are separately stored by various taste and far better than in USA, cannot leave the store without buying sweets everyday.


The most special news is; Canadian woman reporter loves ONIGIRI with tuna mayonnaise, tried to peel the cover sheet and wrap ONIGIRI with the NORI, but not good, the NORI is torn in pieces every time. She posted the movie of this situation to SNS asking “please teach me how can I manage”. Then plenty of response from Japanese came in to her, and finally she could make a nice ONIGIRI.


Well it’s a humorous and heart warming story, isn’t it? And there is additional story that the woman reporter was Canadian speed skater and good friend of Ms. Nao Kodaira. Kodaira made a gift to her, a pair of socks which has print of ONIGIRI, after she knows about the news of the reporter in trouble and could have many helps.


Kodaira sent a message to her with a gift, “ONIGIRI always make you you happy. Sorry that I cannot see you this time, but send a ONIGIRI surprise to you which may remind your wonderful moment in Japan.”

小平は「Onigiri always make you happy. 今回は会うことができないけど、日本の素敵な出来事をいつでも思い出して欲しくて、おにぎりサプライズをしてみました。」と送っている。

Ms Nao Kodaira Forever 小平奈緒よ永遠なれ

So, after the news above, I was a fan of Kodaira. and I keep watching about her during the Winter Olympic game. The next paragraph is an introduction from internet news site Smartnews before Kodaira leave China. I feel great and happy to know that Kodaira thanks to the Chinese staffs and volunteers, and Chinese show a friendly and frank thoughts to the Japanese.


There is a great response to the postcard written by Nao Kodaira, represents of woman’ speed skate Japanese team, expressing her thanks to the Chinese working staffs and volunteer members.


Kodaira’s results of skate was regrettable, 17th at 500m and 10th at 1000m. But she is known as person of character, and respected by many athletes. The postcard is written in Chinese by hand that ” Dear volunteers and working staffs, I thank you very much for your heartfelt hospitalities. It was a memorial 3 rounds. I will never forget the experience. I will challenge to learn Chinese language hard and will make better conversation on next chance. See you!”


There were response from Chinese followers got many praises such as “I was impressed to your letter. It must be unwilling result to the Beijing Olympic for you, but you are a great player. You are wonderful person too. Please come to China again.” “Thank you very much to Ms Kodaira. I became a fan of you. In Japan there are respectable persons besides good players, like Yuzuru Hanyuu, Sara Takanashi. I will fully support you when you visit China next time.”


Photo from internet

