

Tour Guide Shall Never Be Dismissed 通訳ガイドは無くなってはいけない

An opposite mind to the last blog. 前回ブログと正反対の意見

Tour guide no need? 通訳観光ガイドは要らない?

The DX can substitute the guide explanation. But specialist will be hired. DXでガイドの説明は置き換わる。しかし専門家は生き残る。
Daily life

Ocha and Chai お茶とチャイ

My routine works in the early morning 私の起床後のルーティン
Daily life

Blog Theme is changed ブログテーマが変わりました

The English and Japanese blog
Books / Articles

CORNA Vaccine in African Countries アフリカにおけるコロナワクチン

Vaccination rate is less than 10%, but 1,400 shots will be disposed because of vulnerable infrastructure. Support for African peoples is not simple
Music / Art


It may be a little difficult question, for even a professional tour guide for foreigner, that where will you recommend t...
Daily life

KATAKANA is funny カタカナはヘン

This blog start with portrait of two persons 今回のブログは二人のポートレートから始めます。 Nobody doesn't know the picture of right side. I re...
Japanese Horse Racing

Oaths of New Year (for horse racing) 新年の誓い-競馬編

Here is a memo pad. I sticked the memo on the wall just behind of my PC on January 5th 2021. In order to explain the rea...