2 months overseas travel and what I prepared for my heath care 2ヶ月の海外旅行ー予防と持参する薬品類

Healthcare / Exercise
Medicines to be carried with my bag

When I was student of college, that’s 50 years ago, the climbers for Himalaya says “Japanese boys should carry Seirogan (antidiarrheal), Yochin (disinfectant) and Con dome, that’s enough, no else” . So when I am was age of 20, I was health enough and no need medicines, so probably I had carried them, just as charms. Now the time has pasted, my last overseas business trip is 4 years ago and it’s about 30 years back since I had a trip exceeding 2 months. I am old now. And I have to carry medicines, some of them are only charms, and get a lot of vaccines. It is very clear that the elders have risks on health at overseas trip. I made quite many preparations to reduce these risks, and so I wonder this could be advices for elders. Or I am just a freak about health care.


Now let me show you the countries, I’m going to visit; they are Turkey, Croatia, Ethiopia, Kenya and Madagascar, total five. I would share at another chance , why I choose them. But the biggest reason is, I am thirsty to visit Madagascar, that is so far from Japan, so it will be better to drop others which I am interested with.


Vaccination 予防接種

Informing to the staff that I visit 3 African countries, I visited and consulted the Medical Hospital and its special clinics for travelers in Nishi Shinjuku. I did vaccinations as shown below. There are no insurance coverages for the vaccination, I have to pay quite expensive, total Yen 108 thousands, costs. Do I need so many vaccines? I decided to do because of it’s better to reduce risks. I had 5 doses of Covid vaccines also.


Yellow fever 1 dose, valid for the life

黄熱病 ワクチン1回 有効期限生涯

Hepatitis A 2 doses Valid for 3 years The validity will be longed to 10 years after 1 more shot

A型肝炎 ワクチン2回 有効期限3年くらい さらに帰国後1回投与すると有効期限10年

Tetanus 2 doses Valid for 3 years The validity will be longed to 10 years after 1 more shot

破傷風 ワクチン2回 有効期限3年くらい さらに帰国後1回投与すると有効期限10年

Rabies 3 doses Valid for 3 years

狂犬病 ワクチン3回 有効期限3年くらい

Typhoid 1 dose valid for 3 years

腸チフス ワクチン1回 有効期限3年くらい

Malaria Medicine for 3days To be used after infection and 3 days is the volume of first cycle.

マラリヤ 飲み薬3日分 感染後の治療薬として1回分に相当

Travel insurance 海外旅行保険

Some of credit cards provides the insurance services, and one of mine insure that Yen 20million for death, Yen 1 million for medical cost, Yen 25 million for indemnity liability an Yen 200 thousand for damages and loss. So I will use this service, but it is bonded that the I should pay the travel costs before departure by this credit card. Usually that is payment to travel agents for total charge or air tickets from Japan. But it will be OK when you use bus or train to the airport and that charge is paid by the credit card and the record shows the route. If your credit card doesn’t provide such service, the independent insurance service will cost minimum Yen 30 to 40 thousand for 70 years old 2 months travel to the African countries.


Medicines belonging 持参する薬品

睡眠導入剤ゾルピデム Zolpidem (generic name for haloperidol) 5mg x 2 / d

睡眠導入剤フルニトラゼパム flunitrazepam 1mg x 1 /d

向精神薬スルピリド Dogmathyl (surpiride) 50mg x 2 /d

精神安定剤レキソタン Bromazepam(Lexotan) 1mg x 4 / d

整腸剤 Intestinal regulator

Supplement of DHA & EPA

Supplement Vitamin E and C

These are medicines I usually take every day


降圧剤アムロジビン Amlodipine 2.5mg x 1 /d

降圧剤オルメサルタン Olmesartan 4mg x 1 / d

高脂血症緩和剤ロスバスタチン Crestor (Rosuvastatin)

鎮痛剤ロキソプロフェン Loxoprofen 60mg x 1 / meal

胃腸薬ファモチジン Famotidine 10mg x1 x2/d

下痢止め正露丸とワカマツ antidiarrheal

Other cares その他注意

A very handy blood pressure meter

I will bring test kit for Covid


Economy syndrome on a plane may happen. I should take water and make a massages of legs, I prepared a pair of under stocking to make suitable pressure on legs.

飛行機のエコノミー症候群ありうる 水分の補給や足の運動すること、膝までの圧迫ストッキングも用意した。

Serious jet lag may happen. I had that at last trip to USA and elders need a pretty long time to recover. Go slowly.

現地到着後の時差ぼけ 前回米国出張で非常に苦労しましたが、高齢者は回復するのに時間を要する。ゆっくり過ごせ。

Medical creams for sunburn, anti-itch, insect repellent, and muscle pain, I prepared Japanese brand.


My daily use Blood pressure gauge, thermometer will be brought


I will bring my spare glasses and sunglasses


One more word もう一言

So such a lots of preparations make me a some kind of feeling of “Bring it on, everybody “. And I have opinion that such feeling will make ease for long travel, blocks the fears, and observe myself calmly to keep the good health conditions. How are you? Keep safety.



  1. Norio Gejo de viento libre より:

    I didn’t know this article is posted. So interesting, informative and helpful for us. And I have no idea there have been that many we can be preparing before setting out on a trip. The story about travel insurance is also quite new and fresh. The explanation was so familiar, concrete and comprehensive. Excellent article. If I were an editor I would let him publish it…
